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Bulk Email Verifier

In order to verify Yahoo emails, please use The Online Domain Tools engine is currently unable to produce correct results for Yahoo emails.

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Description #

Bulk Email Verifier is able to verify whether an email address is valid or not. An email address is considered as valid if a message sent to this email address will be delivered. Although this does not guarantee that the message will be read by a real person, it is a good way to filter an email list before trying to send a message.

Bulk Email Verifier does not send any emails to target email addresses, it only verifies whether sending is possible. Owners of target email addresses thus are unaware that an email verification check was done. The verification is done using a combination of DNS and SMTP protocol techniques. DNS queries are used to find responsible mail servers for each email address. The SMTP protocol is then used to verify that at least one of the responsible mail servers will accept an email for the given email address.

Bulk Email Verifier is very rich in its features and abilities to provide accurate and extensive information about verified emails. It supports greylisting, which allows it to verify email addresses on many more mail servers than common email verification tools. Our tool also runs from a server with a correctly configured SPF record and a valid reverse DNS record. This guarantees that the tool provides most accurate results possible and its requests are not refused by target mail servers. Moreover, Bulk Email Verifier checks whether catch-all address is configured for each email domain and its analysis can thus provide extra useful information to the end user. Finally, the tool recognizes hundreds of disposable and 10 minute email services and alerts the user in case an email from such a service is detected.

Usage #

Fill in the Email(s) field with email addresses you want to be checked. Use one email address per line. Then hit the Check emails! button.

If you are familiar with greylisting, you can set the Greylisting delay value to specify how long should the tool wait before the second attempt to verify an email address is made after greylisting was detected. If you set this value to Disabled then the Email Verifier tool will not attempt to verify emails for the second time when greylisting is detected. The higher the Greylisting delay value, the longer the tool can operate and the more accurate the results will be.

Note that each non-empty line is considered as an email address, but if you enter a string that can not be an email address, no credits will be charged for that line.

For each valid email address, Bulk Email Verifier provides a detailed analysis that can be displayed using the View details link in the output table. The details are availabled even during the verification process before the actual result is known. You can thus check the progress of the verification process before it finishes.

Limits #

  • Email(s) – All non-paying users can check up to 20 email addresses per one execution of the tool. Paying users can check up to 1000 email addresses per one execution of the tool. For high volume email checking, we highly recommend you to use platform.

Email Verifier API #

API for Bulk Email Verifier is available in Online Domain Tools API.

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